Jerzy Jarocki

Everything is the result of what kind of a theatre we have in mind: one that is focused on the actor, or the staging – aided by videos, lights or elaborate set designs…I decided to focus on the actor.
One of the greatest directors in the history of Polish theatre, he created more than 100 stagings in Poland and Europe. His adaptations of plays by Polish writers S.I. Witkiewicz, Różewicz, Mrożek and Gombrowicz, and less frequently of Shakespeare or Chekhov’s classics diagnosed contemporary social issues and attempted to find hope for individual humans entangled in today’s conflicts. His directorial style emphasized realism and a thorough, almost-mathematical textual analysis. In working with actors, Jarocki stressed the intellectual over the emotional, and expected intensive work and a continuous readiness to take on new challenges. He mentored numerous actors including Jerzy Radziwiłowicz, Krzysztof Globisz and Kinga Preis. (source:
Jerzy Jarocki at MICET: Audiotheque, The Marriage Director’s Script app